Tom Schneider
Tom Schneider 

Figurative Paintings 1

These figurative paintings consist of multiple canvases, usually three, that hang from the wall onto the floor and are large, constructed pieces. These paintings attempt to move away from the confines of the square and rectangle of traditional painting into an area occupied by the viewer.  


"Oh Shit! Something Bit Me"

Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'


I was immediately drawn to this pose's vitality, twisting and turning, so I incorporated it into a natural setting.




"The Curse"

Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'


I wanted to merge the decorative and figurative elements to tell the story.





Oil on Canvas

10' X 5'


This painting went through different transformations.  I worked on it for two years, never feeling comfortable until now.  It is about internal and external chaos.  




Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'


Merging of figurative with multiple decorative patterned elements.



"Waiting to Self-Destruct"

Oil On Canvas

9' X 5'



I developed a story around the image since I found this to be an interesting pose.





Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'



 “Searching" is about searching for the "self". Seeing something new or different about who we are.





Oil On Canvas

7' X 6'

I wanted to merge my concepts of still life with figurative painting. Rather than using standard still-life images on the tabletop, I choose beer bottles as the primary focal point.


Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'



The painting “Nightmare" aims to display imagery from the unconscious mind and the dangers that come alive in those dreams.







Oil On Canvas

9' X 5'



There is a certain element of hypocrisy in every religion's doctrine. Something I felt compelled to paint to convey lessons I acquired early in life.




"Mary Has A Little Lamb, She Also Had A Fish"

Oil On Canvas

9' X 5'


A comparison between the biblical story and the nursery rhyme.




"Please Don't Label Me"

Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'



We all label people so I wanted to address the issue. This is just one of five paintings based on this theme.





Oil On Canvas

10' X 6


Beauty in any shape or form is what I was interested in when I created this painting.









"Please Don't Lable Me For I Am Trapped"

Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'


We all label people so I wanted to address the issue. This is just one of five paintings based on this theme.




"Escape the Box"

Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'



Number Three in the "Escape" series.






"Witches Dance"

Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'


I wanted to include a dark, mysterious, and symbol-filled backdrop because the pose was interesting.



"Life Is About Creating Balance"

Oil On Canvas

10' X6'


One of my favorite paintings. I found "Life is a matter of balance" so I decided to create imagery around that theme.


"I Danced For The Devil"

Oil on Canvas

10' X 6



With this painting, I wanted to experiment with painting imagery that isn't typically connected to figurative or portraiture.


"If Ya Gives Me A Nickel I'll Dance For You/ The Groomer"

Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'


This painting deals with imagery and issues not usually a product of figurative painting. The man is a pedophile (the tattoo on his arm is a symbol for like-minded individuals) trying to entice an innocent boy.


"Bet You Can't Do This"

Oil on Canvas

9' X 5'


I wanted to paint something completly silly and foolish without any deep meaning.


"Cupid Urinating Through A Wreath Of Olive Leaves"

Oil On Canvas

9' X 5'

During the 1500s it was customary to give newlyweds images of Cupid pissing through a circle of olive leaves which wished the newleyweds the gift of many children because infant mortality rate was high in Europe at that time.


"The Wait"

Oil On Canvas

10' X 6'


A mixture of wall/floor patterns. The question begs of: What is she waiting for?  Why has her head been shaved bold?, and why is she staring into blackness?


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© Tom Schneider