Tom Schneider WELCOME
Tom Schneider WELCOME

Still Life Painting 2

"The Optimist"

Oil on Canvas

5.5' X 3.5' 


In this painting, I wanted to move away from the table being a dominant object to emphasis on the floor.  The whiteness of the milk glass adds a contrast to the decorative tablecloth. 

"Broken Dreams"

Oil on Canvas with Objects

5' X 3'




In this painting, I wanted to use a round tabletop and create a rug image out of canvas that would then hold several broken toys.


"Seductive Still Life"

Oil on Canvas with Objects

4' X 2.5'

In this painting, I attempted to create a sensual still life. The fruit is painted onto actual "doilies" that are glued to canvases, and it represents feminine sexual images. This table leg is covered with real fishnet stockings.


"Black Bowl"

Oil on Canvas 

4.5' X 3'



I wanted to create a painting with limited color focusing primarily on one object, the apple.  



"Self Portrait"

Oil on Canvas

5' X 3.5'


In this painting, I wanted to move away from the main image and use more of the wall space.  All elements are made from canvas even the cord from lamp to outlet.  Also, I wanted to give the leg feet more of an anthropomorphic look.



Oil on Canvas"

4.5' X 3'



In this painting, I wanted to give it a "gluttonous" look as well as create some type of carpet imagery that also looked sated. 


"Neither Good nor Bad, It Just Is"

Oil on Canvas

5' x 3'

It was my goal to convey a sense of neutrality with this painting. that is, it is irrelevant. I constructed this painting based on an image of two embroidered birds that I purchased from a flea store. They were first liked, then not. I have no idea why. The floor, with its black and white checkered pattern, is covered in an artificial rose.


Oil on Canvas with Mesh and Objects

5.5' X 4'


This painting depicts a table with obscured items on it. A clock that depicts veiled time is to the left, hidden by a stained mesh. When you look at this painting, the only sound you hear is the clock ticking away. The floor is covered with an actual rug that has the word "time" painted on it.

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© Tom Schneider