Tom Schneider
Tom Schneider 

Still Life Drawings 2


"Striped Tablecloth w/ 3 White Dinner Plates"

Acrylic and Gesso on Paper

3.5' X 2.5'


I intended to use acrylic paint and limit my work to black and white. The plan was to make the tablecloth striped to produce a sequence of squares. I intended to use the three white circular shapes as dinner plates to accentuate the relationship between cirles and squares.


"Absence of Present"

Pencil on Paper

3.5' X 2'


The philosophical idea that an object or person can exist in our minds even though it is not visible or tangible.



Acrylic and Pencil on Paper

3.5' X 2'


This was a simple exercise in creating unrelatable images. The milk and cookies form an easily identifiable relationship to one another. However, the detached doll’s arm is questionable as to what relationship it has to the other objects.





Acrylic and Pencil on Paper

3.5' X 2'



I wanted to combine the three vivid colors of chartreuse, blazing orange, and hot pink into a single picture. I aimed for a clear-cut, uncomplicated image. The feather is simply an image to consider "why."



"Red Tablecloth w/ Yellow Stripe and One Big Mother Fucken Green Apple"

Oil Sticks and Pencil on Paper

3.5' X 1.5'

In this drawing, I'm experimenting with various mediums, particularly oil sticks, which I've never used, and simplifying imagery. Additionally, I wanted to combine vivid red and deep green, complementing hues. The title aims to depart from traditional still life with uninteresting titles like "Still Life with Green Apple." to a more stimulating title.


"My Boat"

Pencil on Paper

3.5' X 2.5'



This illustration shows a toy—in this example, a boy’s toy boat. One of the boats has a broken mast. For the young and innocent child, the shattered mast represents the damaged aspect of his existence. Using his ability as a child he has sketched an image of his boat for they form a sense of security and attachment.




"Child's Play-My New Scissors"

Pencil and Acrylic Paint on Shaped Paper

3.5' X 2.5'


This illustration is psychological in nature. It is a glimpse into a young boy's new scissors. The youngster is angry and therefore has cut up everything, including the crayons, pencils, and animal crackers. Additionally, he has drawn and cut out two "balls," which represents an "emotional castration" in his life. His crude drawing of his new scissors takes on the image of a penis.

"Mary Had a Little Lamb She Also Had a Fish"

Collage, Paint, and Pencil on Paper

3.5' X 2.5'

This drawing is one of those drawings where the title and objects have very little relationship to each other.  I am just concerned with the overall composition.  The rosary has no connection to other objects but refers to “Mary” the mother of Jesus and the fish is symbolic of Jesus.  Peppermint candy has no relationship to any of the objects but, it is used as a visual color element (red) that centers the whole composition. 


Pencil and Tea on Paper

3.5' X 2'



In this drawing, I wanted to incorporate traditional drawing materials with non-traditional materials, tea.  It is a striped tablecloth with two cups.  I used tea to stain the paper in a similar way tea would stain a tablecloth.  


Acrylic paint on Paper

3.5' X 2.5'



This straightforward still life painting piqued my interest in experimenting with paint and loose brushstrokes instead of my typical tools of pencil on paper.

"Childs Play #1, The Hurt"

Pencil and Tea on Paper

3.5' X 2'




"Circles And Squares"

Pencil and Tea on Paper

3.5' X 2'




"Childs Play #1, The Hurt"

Pencil and Tea on Paper

3.5' X 2'




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© Tom Schneider